Support, Encore, Related Arts, Specials

Art (and music, physical education, technology, librarians, dance, and theatre) teachers get called lots of names.

Many school administrators lump these subjects together into a conglomeration of messy, untested, classes with the perspective that these subjects primarily exist to serve as planning periods for the 'real' teachers. To be consistent with "grade level teaching teams" (ex. Third Grade teachers) and "subject level teaching teams" (Math teachers), administrators create a label/category/grouping for us.

In other schools, I was a member of the "related arts" team. In my high school placement, I was an "art teacher" (who 'da thought?!), but my return to teaching in a new district art, music, technology, physical education teachers, and librarians are generally referred to as "support."



like this kind of "support"?

Or maybe

In February, I posted a quick and informal survey on the closed Facebook group "Art Teachers" asking:

In my school district art teachers, as well as music, technology, physical education teachers, and librarians, are called "support" teachers and sometimes "encore"or "connections" teachers. I've been in another district where we were called "related arts" teachers. I'm curious to know, how are you labeled in your school/district? What are your thoughts on the label?

​At the time there were 12,911 members. The post received 231 responses. Most responses were the "label" without answering the additional questions.

Here are the results in word-cloud form:

I think the winner goes to the art teacher who is referred to as a "pull out teacher."

Those who did answer the follow up questions seemed as frustrated with their label as I am with mine.

A few of the responses include:

"Using terms such as Encore, specials, etc. are not true reflections of what is being taught. Like a puzzle if you are missing one or more pieces the puzzle is not complete. When educating our children we need to address the whole child not just select parts."

"Support…and I hate it…I always felt like I was an undergarment, a stretchy elastic strap for some kind of improved look…what the hell is “support” - and how does “support” become a subject. I have fought this for decades, but now I say-- I am “support.”"

"We're called the extras, I think it’s so stupid, I hate it."

I have a lot of questions and thoughts about this leading me to research "label theory" and art teacher identity. I have seen a few studies about how labels affect student growth and learning, but I wonder how do labels affect teacher - more specifically, art teachers - performance and retention? Are there studies about this?

Let's advocate for the importance of art, music, physical education, technology, librarian, dance, and theatre in our schools. Several teachers commented their efforts on changing the label. One art ed professor, Dr. Shannon Elliot created a series of bumper sticker advocacy tools like the one below to address the "support" issue.

What are you called in your school? Are you challenging it?
